by Anne
I miss having the inspiration to write in this blog. I feel like I have to force myself to because I usually enjoy the outcome. However, I've missed the last several Sabres games and I'm usually distracted during the ones I can watch. Tonight will be no exception.
I'm heading into my last week of rehearsal for this show I'm working on which I don't think I've fully admitted to myself how much of an annoyance this contract job has been. I have so much reading to do and I like to designate days that I have class as days that I do work. Here's what I mean: I have class on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Therefore I designate those days (and Monday) as the days that I do my homework. Unless I have a massive project, I don't do intense work on Sunday unless particularly inspired. This is the philosophy I've developed in my college years and my GPA reflects that that works for me. Everyone needs a day off. Those that claim they don't are the ones that are overworked and probably aren't very self-reflective individuals. So for me to completely lose Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons to rehearsal majorly throws off my self-imposed school work schedule.
It's fairly difficult to maintain a hockey blog when what I experience during hockey games is often refreshing the box score.
Tonight I'm going to try something different. I'm going to keep a liveblog (like on paper and junk) while I'm at rehearsal of what it's like to observe a game by continually refreshing ESPN mobile. Then, based on that I'm going to post my thoughts on the game without looking at Twitter or any recaps and hopefully the seven of you that read this blog can tell me how accurate of a picture I've painted based on simply looking at the stats. I think it'll be fairly interesting. Or completely stupid. Meh, whatevs.
Care to assist me?! :) :)
If they lose tonight, I may burn down the arena, just sayin'. It might happen. I might need some bail money. I'll tweet about it if I do.
How's the neck, babe?
Sidenote: I recently joined a dating website and just today disabled my account for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that while I like the two guys I've met through there that I've gone on a couple of dates with, they are definitely the exception rather than the rule. A lot of guys on dating websites are not the kind of guy I want to date. Anyway, the whole point of that story is that I got a message from a 19 year old the other day who I shot down simply because of his age. (For those who don't read this often, I'm 24.) He went ballistic on me and that was one of many indications that I needed to get the hell out of dodge, and by dodge I mean dating websites.
I mention this in conjunction with Tyler Myers because (although he just turned 20) as far as he and I are concerned, age IS just a number. Wooo! ;)
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